During the 1870’s decade, the emphasis  began to move to the back of skirts. These projected backward and fell flat against the body in the front. The back was decorated with long trains with ruffles and fabric flowing into bustles, which were softly draped protrusions at the back of the waist, created by a manipulation of fabric and drapery. Around 1876, the bustle was replaced by the "princess line style," popularized by the Princess of Wales, which consisted of a dress without a waist seam or any separation at the waist. Instead, it uses darts and long seams and shapes the body into a slim, body-conscious look. Open necklines were in fashion and caused a trend for notable necklaces. These necklines were trimmed with ruffles, ribbons, lace, or braid, usually the same as the trim of the skirt. 

The hair was styled high at the back with complicated twists and rolls, falling to the shoulders, and adorned with ribbons, bands, and decorative combs. Just like clothing, hair also evolved. Knots of braids, false hair, a cascade of curls, etc. With the rise of the ‘princess line’ hairstyles softened into high tight chignons. Due to the new, neater hairstyles, hats took on more definite shapes. These were very small and tilted forward to the forehead. There were also bonnets, which women could tie around their chins by strings.

